
Thursday, June 22, 2006

My Best friend

Friday 23rd June. It's a bit of a sad day for me today my best friend died 8 years ago today she was only 47 she was the best friend you could ever ask for.We were friends for 20 years they say you only get one true friend in your life well she was that friend she would walk over hot coals for you & nothing was to much bother for her.She was married to jim and would have celebrated their 25th wedding anniversay on 29th may.The photo of the rose is a miniture rose bush that i planted out in our back garden and it blooms every year just before her anniversary.This was Anne's favourite flower yellow roses so i planted this in her memory the photo's not to good.Anne has 2 sons & 1 stepson & 2 step daughters they are all married now with children well all except the youngest son Craig but i hear they are trying for a baby Craig is his mum's double him & his brother Garry are in the Blackwatch & have been since leaving school.I am god mother to Anne's grandson i know Anne would halve loved that as we were always saying things like this to each other she was going to be godmother to any grandchildren i got she wanted Charlie & i to renew our vows on our silver wedding because she wanted to be my bride's maid as she had never been a bridesmaid before although i was bridesmaid at her & jim's wedding needless to say she never got to see that day so she never got her wish.I feel her round me all the time when i feel down or if i cry i can hear her saying Oh for goodness sake Maggie what are you greeting for now she was always saying this to me all she had to do was suprise me with a bunch of flowers and i would start crying just little things like that was enough to start me off she one told me if you dont stop this greeting (slang for crying)im not getting you any more flowers & i still hear her saying that to this day.Anne was a smoker but smoked the cheapest brand of ciggies (Nothing wrong with that i did the same when i used to smoke)Any way we always know when Anne's paying us a visit as you get this smell of ciggies round about you in the living room at first i thought it was just me so never said anything but then one day Lesley & i were sitting talking when she said to me mum can you smell smoke i said yes i told her i had been smelling it for a long time but little did i know Charlie,Debbie & lesley had been smelling it to but never said anything to me incase i thought they were mad so now when we get a whiff of her ciggies we always say Hi Anne how are you today she only stays for a few miniutes but it's nice to know she's still around.
Miss you so much Anne